This year feels so fresh.
I’m not typically one to think I need a new year and a clean slate to start doing something great. But I will say, there’s a newness in the air that has me feeling more motivated and excited about what’s ahead than I’ve felt in a while. I think.
I left off 2024 deep in love, content in my work, working out with a schedule I’m happy with, baking more often than not, and surrounded by friends who fill my life with good times and laughter. And maybe it’s just that. Maybe the good things have already been stacking up in a way that keeps a smile on my face. I didn’t need the usual things I ask for each year—please let a man make me laugh, let this be the year I lose weight, let’s pick up one of those old hobbies. Kind of crazy that these are the things we wish for over the years, but I digress.
This isn’t a life-changing post, because I don’t have answers for you on how to feel light and fresh and free in your new year. Or a list of things that helped me get here. This is just me having a selfish moment to say how excited I am for the year ahead. Let the good things keep coming?
I did write down some things—maybe goals, maybe just little hopes for the year to come. Inspirations, if you will.
- Make a blog—well, here we are already making progress.
- Stay consistent.
- Save more, make more. (a mandatory add-on, obviously).
- Walk Tater more than ever before. my dog
- Hit reading goal.
- Figure out how to eat more protein that doesn’t taste like chalk.
- Figure out how to eat more protein that doesn’t taste like chalk.
Sounds like a good enough start. Here’s to a year that feels a little lighter, a little brighter, and full of whatever it is that makes you smile.